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Duccio Maria Gambi : Objecture  - Asta CTMP Design - Associazione Nazionale - Case d'Asta italiane

Duccio Maria Gambi


 Largh. 44 - Prof. 30 - Alt. 62 Cm
2017 Cellular concrete, plaster, acrylic paint. Objecture is a collection that was developed during a residency and dialogue between Duccio and Alexis Christodoulou at Numeroventi in Florence.
Objecture is a collection that plays on the shift between the perfect and binary worlds created by the digital poetry of Alexis and the real world. on the other hand it stands as a playground moment in Duccio’s research. often used to work with concrete, in this collection cellular concrete and plaster were used to achieve a group of works through a doing by doing approach. Decoration stands again as a second phase intervention aiming to had a different lecture of the the volumes. The title refers to the attitude of the pieces, unexpected objects that find their home onto the horizontal faces of the works.
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CTMP Design
mar 14 SETTEMBRE 2021