William Hogarth (Londra,1697 – 1764) TAILPIECE, OR THE BATHOS acquaforte e bulino, mm 320x336 (lastra) iscritta sulla lastra "Design'd and Engrav'd by Wm Hogarth./ Publish'd according to Act of Parliam-t March 3d 1764." stato unico
TAILPIECE, OR THE BATHOS etching and engraving, 320x336 (plate) inscribed on plate "Design'd and Engrav'd by Wm Hogarth./ Publish'd according to Act of Parliam-t March 3d 1764." only state
Bibliografia di riferimento Paulson 1970.216; Paulson 1989.216; British Museum Satires 4106; Dobson and Armstrong p. 218 «RTF to HTML .Net»